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Today I read StateFlow: Enhancing LLM Task-Solving through State-Driven Workflows. This paper talks about using state machines to explicitly model the problem that an agent is trying to solve. They got great results, and I agree that it's a good way to go about solving a problem, but I'm not sure what's really new here. Maybe it's just my background, but using state machines to direct the high-level behavior of your agent feels like a very obvious thing to do, and a lot of people in the LLM space have been talking about it for a while now.




  • Fixed some issues with svelte-maplibre and Mapbox's Draw plugin today. Both of these turned out to be general incompatibilities with Maplibre, where the Mapbox plugin (understandably) assumed the presence of certain Mapbox CSS classes. I released v0.9.9 of the package which includes some new CSS which allows the mouse pointers to work properly in Maplibre. And an example is also now up on the website.

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About Me


I'm currently taking some time off, but previously I co-founded and spent nine years working on Carevoyance (acquired by H1 Insights), a sales acceleration tool that analyzes healthcare data and enables healthcare sellers to zero in on their best prospects and generate custom reports and insights with just a few clicks.

I spent most of my time there creating new data analyses, working on the backend API and database systems, and developing tooling to research data anomalies and automate repetitive tasks. I also successfully transitioned the entire frontend application from AngularJS to SvelteKit.

In the past I worked almost exclusively in C++ and various assembly languages. Now that I'm more in the web ecosystem, I'm mostly writing Javascript for work, using Rust when I can justify it, and grudgingly dealing with Python's package system for AI/ML work.

Before starting my own venture, I interfaced with advanced network switching chips at Arista Networks and worked on JTAG hardware debuggers and embedded operating systems at Green Hills Software. Running a small startup feels very different from working at these companies, and it has its ups and downs, but I love it.


I usually have a few side projects going on, and I have a selection listed on my projects page. There you'll find a bunch of data workflow stuff, a personal dashboard, an AI assistant to amuse my kids, and other things in various states of done-ness.

Sometimes I wish I could code all day and night, but when not hacking on something or spending time with my family, I enjoy good coffee, nature photography, reading nonfiction and sci-fi, and improving my nascent design and UX skills. I'm also active in my church and run the sound board there every few weeks.

Where to find me

Twitter is probably the best way to contact me. You can also email me at daniel at this domain or find me on Github.

About this site

The website is written using SvelteKit, Tailwind, and hosted on Vercel. Icons sourced from the Refactoring UI icon set and iconmonstr.

The prose content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The code can be viewed on Github. The underlying code as well as all code examples are licensed under the MIT license.